Digital Interpretation for Museums & Archives

Digital Interpretation for Museums & Archives

We love working with Curatorial and Interpretation teams

From AR apps that add interactivity and information to an exhibition to immersive VR experiences based on museum collections, or AR loan boxes that allow you to get hands-on with archives – Curio makes engaging digital interpretation for museums, archives and heritage organisations.

We love working with Curatorial and Interpretation teams to boost engagement with fragile or forgotten objects by developing immersive digital interpretation that increases access without losing an object’s materiality or context. Explore our previous digital interpretation for museums and archives, and contact us to discuss your own project.

From immersive experiences that restore objects to their original context...

Through digital interpretation for museums, visitors can explore collections through a completely new lens and learn about the stories and people behind each artefact. Our suite of digital interpretation for museums encompasses interactive AR apps, immersive VR experiences, mini games and more – each design to increase engagement with and access to objects that might be overlooked or that are difficult to handle or display.

Digital interpretation for museums and archives also offers greater engagement beyond the walls of the building, by letting visitors interact with fragile items offsite and in classrooms. Digital interventions are perfect for widening access to a particular collection and allowing younger generations to get hands-on with history, without needing to visit in-person or physically handle an artefact. apps which help you explore collections up close.

Curio offers unique ways of digitising, preserving and accessing historical documents and artefacts through our interactive and engaging digital interpretation for museums. We utilise 3D scanning and photogrammetry techniques to create digital replicas of selected artefacts. This enables us to bring those objects and paper documents to life through our exciting, immersive techniques.

All 3D scans and models created in our digital interpretation for museums can be made available in a range of ways: through an app where users can scale and rotate objects to get a closer look; embedded on websites and shown on third party platforms like 8th Wall or Sketchfab; and used to create an AR trail or social media filter.

Beckford's Tower Woman looking through AR binoculars, AR tower viewer, VR tower viewer

Beckford’s Tower

AR experiences for Beckford's Tower

Making a Scene

AR app for the University of Bristol Theatre Collection

augmented reality history tour

Window to the Past

AR app for Bristol Old Vic