Why choose Zubr Curio?

Why choose Zubr Curio?

What makes us different

Many agencies, studios and digital creators make virtual and augmented reality for museums, cultural organisations and heritage sites. So what makes Zubr Curio different?

1. We don’t believe in making digital or immersive content that’s flashy and eye-grabbing but surface-level. We develop virtual and augmented reality experiences which are impactful for you and your audience.

2. We’re not interested in distracting people from the present and absorbing them in screens. Instead we strive to enrich real life experiences by adding an extra layer of information.

3. We get excited by the intersection between material and virtual. Be that an animated AR overlay that causes you to look at something closer or for longer; virtually restoring an object or building to its original state or location; or an app which encourages you to interact with your physical surroundings by searching for geolocated content.

zubr curio

Guided by our core values of creativity, curiosity and collaboration

Through 8+ years of practice, Zubr Curio are experts at designing digital content, virtual and augmented reality for museums, archives, artists, theatre-makers and more. 

Our inquisitive and playful approach enables us to develop immersive experiences that excite and intrigue everyone from first time visitors to long-term supporters.

You can count on our experienced, multidisciplinary team to deliver digital interpretation tailored to meet your aims and needs, and which compliments your existing offerings by increasing collections access, and tells your stories in an engaging way.

So what's the secret to our award-winning augmented reality for museums, arts and culture organisations?

We’ve learnt a thing or two while successfully delivering 300+ projects!

Below the stages cover our general methodology which has been tried and tested when making augmented reality for museums, AR art installations for independent artists, educational apps for KS2 and KS3, XR binoculars for heritage sites, and VR for cultural organisations.

Understanding your aims

From blue-sky thinking to fully-funded plans, we enjoy devising the perfect digital solution to meet your needs. 

Every museum, historic site, and artistic or cultural project is different, so we develop a bespoke solution tailored specifically to you. 

There’s no point in making something that won’t meet your funding requirements, organisational needs, or artistic vision, so we start by understanding what you want your digital interpretation or immersive content to do.

We can also co-write funding bids, help pitch ideas, and advise on best practice based on our previous work.

Getting the details right

All of our immersive experience are detail-rich. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and work hard to translate our clients’ ideas into an enriching AR app or VR installation.

Our 2D and 3D artists follow brand guidelines, descriptions, imagery, and comparative content  to make sure each detail of our custom assets are precise and authentic for the story we’re telling. 

From architecture to vegetation, historical uniforms and gestural animations, creating believable and historically-accurate assets deepens the immersive experience. Where appropriate we utilise our 3D scanning expertise to bring real world elements into our virtual scenes to heighten the realism.

augmented reality for museums

Developing your idea

Once approved, our projects begin with a creative consultation workshop where we ensure we understand the relevant historical context, target audience, project aims, and site needs. 

We’ll work with you to decide the best format and design for the story you want to tell and that’s the best fit for your site, visitors, or audience, rather than pushing a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.

We create storyboards and technical wireframes to help convey the visitor journey and show what your digital interpretation will look like.

Trust and communication

We handle the practicalities and technology so you can focus on the experience we’re crafting for your visitors. 

We offer multiple opportunities for testing and feedback during the project to guarantee the outcome is all you imagined. This includes sharing demos, screenshots and test versions of the content so that your team can experience it themselves and send across any new ideas or adjustments.

We conduct thorough testing to identify and resolve any bugs, leaving you with a robust and reliable experience. Most projects culminate in onsite delivery and installation, during which we also offer comprehensive training for your staff, resulting in a sustainable, enduring digital experience for your visitors.

AR tower viewer, VR tower viewer

Dedicated support

Our dedicated project staff will regularly update you during development and will continue to support you post-project to ensure the experience works for your visitors.

We future proof projects by making outputs that are easy for clients to maintain and that can be updated as the technology evolves.

For most experiences we can provide comprehensive user analytics to demonstrate the impact of the project and to guide any future digital interpretation.

Interested in working together?

Contact us to find out how we can collaborate or explore our recent projects to see the sort of work we do and find some inspiration.

We’re happy to provide references on request, and you’ll see quotes from our previous clients on each of our case studies which give insight into what it’s like to work with our team.