Immersive Experiences for Heritage Sites

Immersive Experiences for Heritage Sites

Ever wanted to show how a heritage site has transformed over the centuries?

We make immersive experiences for heritage sites which provide context for landscapes and buildings which are now lost or altered from their original form, letting visitors experience what once was. AR and VR technology helps visitors to explore these reimagined sites up close and in detail, garnering a deeper understanding of the space around them.

When it comes to augmented and virtual reality for heritage sites and historic spaces, Curio are pros at rebuilding ancient ruins, Saxon castles, iconic landmarks and more.

From Saxon castles, 14th century churches and Georgian theatres...

It all starts with research. To understand the unique stories your heritage site can tell, we work closely with historians, academics and curatorial experts to create vibrant, informed digital interpretation. We’re accustomed to working from historic photographs, descriptions, diagrams and anecdotes, and using comparable heritage sites to help us fill in any gaps. By ensuring our clients are in charge of the facts, we create projects that are perfectly tailored to you and your visitors’ needs whilst retaining a high level of accuracy.

Recent clients include SS Great Britain Trust, Tourism Northern Ireland and the American Battlefield Trust. historic towns and Civil War structures.

After 8+ years of digitally recreating heritage sites, we know what it takes to deliver an engaging and memorable experience. Aside from our 3D modelled recreations, our work for heritage sites often features information points or hotspots that encourage visitors to physically explore the space to discover more. Paired with bespoke audio content, visitors can easily understand the history of the site and can actively take charge of their learning experience.

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Our AR binoculars bring a new perspective to heritage sites

Our AR binoculars bring a new perspective to heritage sites

Want a light touch, device-free option?
Find out more about our augmented and virtual reality binoculars – the accessible, analogue approach to digital interpretation.

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